Spirit Learner: The Prelude is a trial/pre-alpha/playtest version of my work-in-process 2D RPG-game. It will receive updates and improvements along with more areas and enemies to conquer after a little playtesting.

Play with mouse OR keyboard.  

Z/Space - Interact/Confirm

X - Cancel

Esc- Menu

You may post bugs, hints, tips or general advice here or send me a pm :)

Thanks in advance for your feedback and comments.

Future updates and improvements:

* Story WILL continue

* Unique enemies, tilasets and skills - Now I'm using the defaults

* More areas to explore, treasures to find, quests to do & secrets to find


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pretty nice and simple, fights didnt drag so the balance is fine, i recommend checking the top walls of interiors, since some have no collision and i could walk on the top walls of the inn and the top wall of the hermit shack from above, if you're not sure how to block the player from walking on a wall i think you could have an invisible tile that's set to have collision and place it on the highest map layer on the walls

(1 edit)

Thx for honest feedback :) I'm putting this offline for a while because "ending" needs some rework.